Huffman Code
What is Huffman Tree?给定N个权值作为N个叶子结点,构造一棵二叉树,若该树的带权路径长度达到最小,称这样的二叉树为最优二叉树,也称为哈夫 ...
Greedy Algorithm
What is Greedy Algorithm?The Greedy Algorithm is to make the best choice at current stage when solving the problem. That is to say, instead of conside ...
高级加密标准(Advanced Encryption Standard,AES)是当前最流行的对称加密算法,也是一种分组加密算法。于2001年11月26日发布于FIPS PUB 197,并在2002年5月26日成为有效的标准。
什么是分组加密? 分组密码就是把明文分为固定长度的一组 ...
Sorting Algoritm
Since learning to call the sort function of C++ directly, I write less and less sort code. Therefore, this article is written to summarize several com ...